Friday, March 27, 2020


Google Classroom:

Access through the Google Classroom App or link ( ):

1. Sign into your Google account
2. Click on the '+' sign near your picture/avatar - the upper right-hand corner
3. Pick 'join class'
4. Enter your class code
5. Click on the verification that you are you button and accept the classroom.
6. You are now in, explore.

Moving about in the Google Classroom:

1. You open to the 'Stream' . This is where you will find general announcements and the list of classwork posts made.
2. In 'Coursework', you'll find all your assignments listed under their topics.
3. To access your assignments, click on the tab/post for the one you wish to see and then click on 'View Assignment' typically in the bottom left corner of the newly opened space.
4. Once it opens, you will see the entire assignment and all the material linked to it. You will also see a button to add work and one to turn it in. You may have an attachment with your name on it, that is an assignment you can type on.

To Turn in work:

1. While viewing the assignment, click on the 'add or create' button. A menu will drop down.
· If your work is on the google drive - the open it and attach the file.
· If you need to create a file, then go down to the file type and click on it and it will allow you to make a new one to work on.
· If you have to attach pictures or work (file) click on the attachment icon and upload your files.
· If it is a link, then click on the link icon and add it.
2. Click on 'Turn in' and there will be a pop up that asks you if you are sure you wish to, click that one as well.
3. If you have an attached assignment, once you have finished it, then click 'Turn in' and repeat.
4. If you answered in a private comment (which you can make in this screen) then click 'Mark as Done'.

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