Monday, March 30, 2020

WEEKLY AGENDA 3/30 - 4/3

Learning Target: I will be able to describe the major accomplishments of each scientist and how their accomplishments contributed to Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection. 
Monday, 3/30: Watch Theories of Evolution Video and submit 10 things you got from it.10.1 Reinforcement (click the title for the links and files + submit completed work to shot to your teacher's remind or Google Classroom)
Video Links:

Learning Target: I will be able to analyze or interpret patterns of biodiversity that arise from speciation.
Tuesday, 3/31: Watch the What is a Species? video below and answer the questions below (submit to remind chat or Google classroom for  your teacher)
Video Link:
  1. Why are the Eastern and Western Meadowlarks considered different species?
  2. In which way(s) could polar bears and grizzly bears be considered different species?
  3. In which way(s) could polar bears and grizzly bears be considered the same species?
  4. What is the main point this video makes about species?

Learning Targets:
         - I will be able to differ between the theories of Charles Darwin and Lamarck.
         - I will be able to describe how speciation occurs and how a new species can arise from other species. 

Wednesday, 4/1: Using Monday's material, create a guess my 2-1-4; then, using Tuesday's material, create an A-B-C summary for 3 ideas about speciation. *see directions below on how to complete the assignments* - You can submit pictures of your answers to remind OR teachers Google Classroom.
  1. Record 2 facts, create 1 hint, and find or take 4 pictures about the topic assigned above for 3/30/2020. ​
*Your goal for your 2-1-4 is to have someone to be able to guess your topic from your 2-1-4.  You don't want to tell your topic in your creation*

  1. Write 3 short, yet detailed summaries about the topic. 
  2. 1st word in each summary statement must begin with an A-first summary, B-second summary, C-third summary
  3. You should end with 3 short detailed summaries. Ex: A parent is doing their best job. Being a teacher and a parent isn't easy. ; Cut them some slack because this is a new thing for them too.  
**Complete the Evolution Quiz Study Guide for Friday's quiz. (click the title for the file)

Learning Target: What role does genetics play in evolution?
Thursday, 4/2: Read sections 11.1, 11.3, and 11.5 in the textbook and answer the questions below on the padlet link: 
  1.  How does genetic variation in populations increase an organisms chance of survival? (Section 11.1)
  2. Describe the different ways that populations can evolve.  (Section 11.3)
  3. Describe the different isolations that lead to speciation. (Section 11.5)

Learning Target: I will be able to explain how Earth's history, speciation, and genetics influence our understanding of biology.
Friday, 4/3: Evolution Quiz 1. You will have until Sunday, 4/5/20 @ 11:59 PM to complete your quiz. *Be sure to complete the study guide from Wednesday BEFORE you take the quiz*

Friday, March 27, 2020


Google Classroom:

Access through the Google Classroom App or link ( ):

1. Sign into your Google account
2. Click on the '+' sign near your picture/avatar - the upper right-hand corner
3. Pick 'join class'
4. Enter your class code
5. Click on the verification that you are you button and accept the classroom.
6. You are now in, explore.

Moving about in the Google Classroom:

1. You open to the 'Stream' . This is where you will find general announcements and the list of classwork posts made.
2. In 'Coursework', you'll find all your assignments listed under their topics.
3. To access your assignments, click on the tab/post for the one you wish to see and then click on 'View Assignment' typically in the bottom left corner of the newly opened space.
4. Once it opens, you will see the entire assignment and all the material linked to it. You will also see a button to add work and one to turn it in. You may have an attachment with your name on it, that is an assignment you can type on.

To Turn in work:

1. While viewing the assignment, click on the 'add or create' button. A menu will drop down.
· If your work is on the google drive - the open it and attach the file.
· If you need to create a file, then go down to the file type and click on it and it will allow you to make a new one to work on.
· If you have to attach pictures or work (file) click on the attachment icon and upload your files.
· If it is a link, then click on the link icon and add it.
2. Click on 'Turn in' and there will be a pop up that asks you if you are sure you wish to, click that one as well.
3. If you have an attached assignment, once you have finished it, then click 'Turn in' and repeat.
4. If you answered in a private comment (which you can make in this screen) then click 'Mark as Done'.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Test assigned in the online textbook! opens Friday at 8am and closes Monday night at 11:59pm.


This will be the NEW way that you will access your assignments, turn in work, and receive feedback from Mr. Macon's Biology Classes.

For 1st Block students     w3o6dvs

For students in 3rd Block gwdoi5d

For students in 4th Block     34v2iga    

I recommend that you create a professional gmail account with your first and last name, so that I can ID you easily, and so you will not be confused with many different types of emails coming to the same account/mailbox.  

After this week, Dropbox will NO LONGER BE USED TO submit assignments Starting, this upcoming week Monday!! 


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

AGENDA from the official BIO PAGE

 (Monday, 3/23: Punnett Squares Virtual Lab (click the title for the site + submit completion shot to your teacher's remind); 7.2 Quiz
Remind Codes: see above for the codes for each teacher
Tuesday, 3/24: Watch the videos below and do 6-word story or A-E-I-O-U for EACH and submit to remind chat for teacherMrs. Taylor's Kids submit to Google Classroom
Video Links:
Wednesday, 3/25: Gizmo on DNA Fingerprinting *see directions below on how to set up the account*
- You can submit pictures of your answers to remind OR you can email the document to the right with your answers filled in to your teacher.
Explore Learning:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Enroll in a class button in the upper right hand corner of the page
  3. Type in your class code below: *be sure to enroll in your correct period with your teacher*
    1. Barnes: 1st - RHQNDM; 3rd - VVGKL7
    2. Jordan:
    3. Macon: 1st - ; 3rd - ; 4th -
    4. Matthews: 1st - TBFZHN; 3rd - LPZMRB; 4th - FPDVGZ
    5. Taylor:
Thursday, 3/26: RACE on Designer Baby Article (on the right) - send RACE to remind; LIVE Test Review Session (11a-11:30a):​
Friday, 3/27: Online Genetics Test

Monday, March 23, 2020

grade updates

Parents and Students,
I am currently (Monday and Tuesday) catching up on grading activities from BEFORE school let out, so any grade changes are ONLY FROM what students completed from BEFORE the break.

*Including Gentics Quiz 1, Meiosis Lab, and DNA activity.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

EASY instructions to submit your work

Students I have been in communication with many of you over the past few days, and you have asked how to submit the assignments. Please follow the instructions below;

1. All the work that you complete PLEASE record it as evidence. HOW TO DO THIS??
* for all virtual work (take a pic, and put it on a word document with the date of completion, and submit the WORD document with the pics of your assignments and date them. YOU CAN KEEP A RUNNING DOCUMENT AND SUBMIT AT THE END OF EACH WEEK! or once you have finished all work for that week.

***MAKE SURE you have read the above instructions. DO NOT SEND THE LARGE PIC FILES, but copy the pics to the word doc, and ONLY send the word doc.***

Copy and paste the link for your class and then you can submit your work in an organized way.

1st blobk or

3rd blobk or 

4th block or 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Virtual learning assignments

For all of my virtual students please complete concept maps and self checks to help you prepare for your quiz.
 The self check and the concept maps will not be submitted as a grade

but will help you be prepared for your quiz which will be submitted as a grade

Monday, March 16, 2020

The official BIOLOGY blog for all future assignments

biology info for all assignments and contact resources.

Monday 3/16 Biology

Watch this tutorial video to review the process of a "test" (completing a monohybrid cross).

After completing the video (I recommend taking notes), then complete then answer the followin questions:
1. Fur color:  B=black, b=white
Bb x Bb (complete dominance, incomplete, and codominance) provide the phenotypic and genotypic ratios.

2. Colorblindness: X'=color blind, X=Normal
A colorblind man and carrier woman were crossed, what is the probability of...
a. having a normal male
b. affected male (colorblind)
c. affected female (colorblind)
d. Normal female

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Students MAKE SURE you are using these digital tools (THE YOUTUBE PAGE) located on this site.
Your text based reinforcement packet that begins with 6.1 and 6.2 ALL sheets of this packets has specific videos to watch based on that Standards based content. The YouTube Page is located on the RIGHT of the HOME PAGE on the blog.

Thursday 3/12

This Video is for the MUTATIONS Stations
WATCH THIS VIDEO at least until 5:24s

1. What makes Deletion and Insertion such important mutations? (HINT: think about their effects)
2. How does a Gene Mutation different from a Chromosomal Mutation?
3. Briefly EXPLAIN the 2 examples mentioned in this video describing how mutations can benefit, harm, or not affect an organism.
4. Draw a quick representation of Non disjunction (similar to the one in the video).